Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Abby's Cooking Kitchen: Cooking With Herbs Part II: Herb Supherb

Abby's Cooking Kitchen: Cooking With Herbs Part II: Herb Supherb: "Herbs are one of natures little surprise packages that contains a lot of flavor. You do not need much to make an extraordinary impact in you..."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weight Loss and Your Family

Many people are trying to lose weight, but have you ever considered losing weight as a family? Typically, when one member of the family is not eating healthy foods, the rest of the family is also participating in unhealthy behaviors. Working together as a family to lose weight can be the push you need to actually do it. After all, you want what is best for your family, right?

Start by planning healthy meals together. Working as a family, you can split up the responsibilities. For example, have your spouse go grocery shopping, while you cook and your children do the dishes. Whenever you cook a healthy meal, make extras and take that along to work the next day instead of relying on take-out and fast food. Cooking together also helps you bond and can teach both you and your children valuable life skills.
As a family, join a gym as well. Sometimes there is a family discount if three or more members of a household join the same gym, and often the facilities found here are better than any exercising machines you may have at home. As a family, you can also play tennis or racquetball together or motivate one another to work out. Some gyms even have fun family resources, like family softball leagues and indoor swimming pools.

When you want to lose weight, working together as a family to set goals can also work really well. Setting goals is important for any weight loss program, but as a family you can work together to push one another. Some husband and wife teams even like some friendly competition when losing weight. For example, challenge your spouse to prepare for a marathon, train together, and then compete during the actual race to see who finishes first or finishes the most of the race.

No matter how much weight you want to lose, it is always easier to do so when you have people to help you along the way. Your family is perfect for this because you live together and already know one another’s eating and work out habits. When you lose weight together, you have a great chance to bond as well, providing strong family ties and better relationships in general. Losing weight is never easy, but with a little help from your family members, all of your weight loss goals can definitely be achieved one by one.

Talking to Your Doctor about Weight Loss

Weight loss is very important, regardless of if you are doing it for cosmetic reasons or for health reasons. When you lose weight and remain at a healthy weight, you can be sure to stay happy and healthy more easily than if you had simply been at a larger weight. Losing weight can be difficult, but if you talk to your doctor about the situation, you have a better chance of reaching your weight loss goals.

Talking to a doctor about weight loss can be embarrassing for some people. No one likes to admit having a problem with this issue. However, if you identify it, your doctor can know that you want to change and make lots of suggestions for you. Believe me, whatever your medical condition, you doctor has dealt with it before and so there is not reason to feel embarrassed in any way about dealing with weight loss.

When you approach your doctor about your weight situation, it is best to do so at the beginning of your appointment, rather than at the end. If your appointment is running later, your doctor may feel rushed to talk to you about your wait at the end, since there are other patients waiting for see him or her. Therefore, ask your questions right from the start or schedule another appointment in order to fully be able to discuss weight loss.

If it helps you to remember, write down all of your questions before you go in for your appointment. Your doctor is a busy person, so having your questions ready will make sure that you have time to get answers to all of them. This will also ensure that you don’t forget any of the questions that you wish to ask, because it may be a few weeks before you can make another appointment to again speak with your doctor.

Some key questions that you should ask include those about your personal statistics, such as asking how high your cholesterol is or how much weight you need to lose to be at a personal normal body weight for your age and height. You should then ask your doctor to clarify anything you don’t understand regarding your weight, share with your tips for healthy eating, help you work out an exercise plan, and make recommendation for personal trainers or guides that can help you on your journey. Your doctor truly will be you best advice throughout your weight loss journey, and he or she can help you to realize all of your goals in a healthy and safe way.

Water or a Keg Stand? Weight Loss and College

One of the most difficult times of your life is undoubtedly your college years, and the least of your problems may be losing weight. However, maintaining a healthy weight during college is very important because your weight dictates how healthy you will be overall. During college, you are introducing into mass living communities, like dormitories, where illness spreads like wildfire, and maintaining a healthy weight will help prevent you from catching some of these diseases, as well as help prevent disease later in life. Learning how to lose weight in college is important.

The first step to weight loss in college is eating healthy foods. While you might be tempted to trade in your water for a beer or your salad for a slice of greasy pizza, doing this too often can really kill any weight loss plans you may have. When you first begin attending college, check out what kinds of healthy choices are available at the student cafeteria and what kinds of healthy choices are available from restaurants in the area. It is also a good idea to invest in a mini refrigerator so that you can keep low-fat snacks, like yogurt and carrots, on hand. This also allows you to prepare some small meals in your room instead of grabbing a snack from the vending machines.

Another step to losing weight in college is learning how and when you can work out. You may be so tired at the end of the day that you fell like you don’t even need a work out, but if you head to the gym, you’ll feel and look better. Most schools have a free gym available to students or, at the very least, offer gym membership discounts to area locations, so there really is no excuse to not go to the gym.

Weight loss in college requires planning, if nothing else. Make sure that you schedule time to eat and exercise every day, no matter how busy you may be. Plan out your weekend with fun activities that don’t include drinking massive amounts of alcohol. Keep an eye on special promotions from health groups at school, or even consider joining one.

Like with any weight loss program, friends can help you out as well. Seek friends with healthy eating habits and find buddies for working out together at the gym. Losing weight can college is not an easy thing to do, but if you put your mind to it, you can achieve your goals and stun you friends and family when you’re home for summer break.

Binge Eating: Practicing Control for Weight Loss

There are a number of very dangerous eating disorders that effect people of all ages, races, sexes, and economic statuses. While you may hear a lot in the news about anorexia and bulimia, one of the lesser-known weight loss disasters sweeping the nation is binge eating. Binge eating is very bad for your body and can cause heart disease, diabetes, and a number of other medical conditions, which actually could result in death. Therefore, it is important to learn about binge eating and to seek help immediately if you think this could be a problem for you.

Binge eating is basically a form of overeating at its worst. There are times when we all overindulge in good foods, such as at a holiday or when eating out at a restaurant. However, a binge eater faces overeating problems more than a few times a week. Binge eaters often find themselves overweight and unhappy, which can make the situation worse.

Binge eaters will overeat to the extent that they feel sick. In many cases, they will eat thousands of calories in one sitting, and many of the foods they are eating are not very nutritional and include comfort foods. Binge eaters may enjoy sweet or savory foods, and may also have a problem with alcohol. In one day, a binge eater may eat more than the normal person will eat in a week. Foods that a person will binge eat vary and can even change for a particular binge eater from day to day.

Unlike people who are suffering from bulimia, binge eaters will not induce vomiting in order to rid themselves of the food they’ve eaten. Therefore, binge eaters tend to be overweight. In some cases, a binge eater may eat non-stop for an entire day, but then spend the next three or four days starving him- or herself and exercising vigorously in order to stay at the same weight if possible.

Binge eating goes hand in hand with a number of other physical diseases, but it can also effect a personal mentally and emotionally. Man binge eaters star because they turn to food for comfort as a way to work out their problems, which is unhealthy. Binge eaters are also usually very emotionally charged about their body weight and may experience depression because of it, regardless of if they are overweight or not. Binge eating is not only dangerous for the binge eater, but can affect everyone in his or her life. If you or someone you know is suffering from this disease, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. This is not a good way to lose weight.